I love ducks!

This is my online journal, a place for my thoughts and stuff.

My Photo
Location: South Florida, United States

I'm sweet, smart, and sassy!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

1st date with Jim

Jim...he's a nerd, but he's sweet. We met at CityPlace. He's vegan so we had salad for lunch. Then we took a walk and ended up in front of an apartment building. It was cold and I didn't bring a coat. He gave me his jacket to wear! Wasn't that sweet? Then we were just sitting there and he said he wanted to kiss me. So we did...it was really nice. I actually have more kissing experience than he does! Anyway, we spent some lovely minutes kissing there. Then we walked back to the mall. We got some Starbucks then after we finished the coffee, we sat very close together on a bench. Then he kissed me again and we were having a total PDA*. he asked if that was ok and I said "How many times have you seen a couple making out on a bench and felt jealous? Now it's our turn!" While we were kissing, some guy yelled "Woo-hoo! Right on!" It was a good time. Then later, we were going down an escalator and I told him to kiss me on it...that was a lot of fun too. Then he took me home. we pulled into the Walgreens parking lot (my Lover's Lane, I guess) and got in the backseat. We made out for over an hour! We were kissing and then we shifted positions and...he told me he was hard! I was like, he better not try anything. He didn't. We shifted so that I was in his arms and I could kind of feel something hot and pulsing behind me but I didn't want to push against it or anything. not yet, anyway. I let him put his hand on my left breast and i let him kiss all the way down to the top of my bra. it felt realy, really good. The stubble on his chin was tickling the soft skin of my breasts. I could easily do that again! He's really cute without his glasses. If he gets a decent haircut, he could become quite a hottie! He sent me a text the next day that said "I had a good time :) *kiss and cuddles*" Isn't that cute? I hope he calls me soon...

*PDA= Public display of affection


Thursday, March 06, 2008

My new guy, Jim

Jim...he's nice. Talks a lot, but men will do that. He signed his e-mail "Love, Jim". Isn't that cute? No other guy ever signed their e-mails that way! And he wants to be affectionate and I already told him I'm a virgin, so that's out of the way. I hope we have a nice makeout session. Is that bad on the first date? I don't care, life's short! I'm so ready for some physical contact! I need to kiss! I need it! I hope he delivers...


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I can deal with this

I don't want to dwell on bad episodes, so this will be a short blog entry.
Derek is a jerk and an asshole and a phony. We didn't go out on V-day because he texted that he had to work the basketball game. Friday morning I got another text from him. He told me that since I probably wouldn't put out for three months, it wasn't worth going out next week. Of all the nerve! I've never been spoken to like that in my life! I guess I should be flattered that he wanted to have sex with me, but still! Then I texted I was disappointed, then he texted that no one would put up with my crap without getting some! If it's too hard for him to open a door for me, then I don't need him! He was fat and had lousy table manners anyway. And when he touched my breast, he was actually just touching the very hard padding of my push-up bra.
Well, chalk this one up to experience, I guess!
Now I have to wonder, was Glenn the same way? Was he hoping for sex from me? When I told him that was my first time in the backseat, did he know he didn't want to see me again? Maybe he was just too much of a gentleman to actually tell me so and so he disappeared instead. Well, these losers are out of my life and I'm moving on! Onward and upward (I hope!)!
