I love ducks!

This is my online journal, a place for my thoughts and stuff.

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Location: South Florida, United States

I'm sweet, smart, and sassy!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Sorry it's been a while

Jim and I are still an item...I don't know how many dates we've had now, but it's been a lot! We've had our ups and downs...me crying for an hour or two sometimes. One time, after we hung up, I was so angry and frustrated that I beat up an empty Kleenex box...LOL1 I drop-kicked it and stomped on it and tore it up and screamed. That was not a good day.

But we're good. He likes to say "I love you" in Bengali. It's very cute.

I found out 2 nights ago that he had been engaged to that online chica...grr. I cried for about an hour. But he said that whole relationship was a mistake and that the engagement didn't really count; it was just his [stupid] solution to an already troubled relationship. Then he said a very sweet thing. He said "When we're engaged, it's going to count." That's sweet enough to make up for his being engaged. When thinking of it makes me angry, I think of that sweet thing. :)


Blogger Gypsy29460 said...

Darling, you were "Queen of the Crumbs". Actions speak louder than words. And he knew you would never be the first to leave. He was totally just keeping you around till something 'better' came along (ballroom Nicole). No one's ever going to treat me like that again...cuz if they do...he'll get kicked to the curb!

10:35 PM  

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