I love ducks!

This is my online journal, a place for my thoughts and stuff.

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Location: South Florida, United States

I'm sweet, smart, and sassy!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Do you think he likes me?

This journal entry is about my professor, who I'll call Rick N. Soon after we met he told me to call him Rick instead of Dr. N. But I'm noticing that I'm the only one who calls him by his first name. He's always telling me to come by his office if I need help. He's very easy to talk to and kind of cute into the bargain. I feel like he looks at me and smiles at me more than at other students. I was wearing a low-cut top one day and he was definitely 'looking', if you know what I mean. ; )
I know I'm the hottest girl in class (if you saw my class, you'd know I'm not bragging!). Anyway, today I went to his office. I meant to stop by for 10-15 minutes but we spent over an hour talking. Well, his phone rang while I was there and he didn't even glance at it! I thought he would at least see who it was. But I guess I was more important. Later I went back to the lab and Priya asked me if I knew where Dr. N was because she needed to talk to him. I said I was just with him for the last hour! She said she called his office but he didn't answer. Ha!
I just want to add that Rick is young, good-looking, and single. Plus he's really smart. I know he's single because he doesn't wear a wedding ring and because his shirts are always slightly wrinkled. A woman wouldn't let him go out like that. I'd gladly iron his shirts any day!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bill O'Reilly's girl

So, Dumbledore's gay, is he? I didn't need to know that. Some things are best left to the reader to decide. Anyway, here's a response I wrote to an article about Dumbledore's outing on the Sun-Sentinel's webpage (yuck! I think I'll only read their editorials when I need a good laugh!):

"Chauncey Mabe is upset over the wrong thing. Ms. Rowling can think of Dumbledore in whichever way she wants; it's her character. However, there was no reason to announce a character's (any character's) sexuality when the subject is children's literature. I know, I know, we're all adults here and we all love the Harry Potter series, but this was made for young people. Kids don't need to have sexuality and sexual issues thrown at them every which way they turn. And I'm not just talking about homosexuality; I mean sexuality in general. Who cares what Dumbledore is? This whole thing was just too much information that I didn't need to know. It doesn't help me enjoy the stories more or understand them any better. It doesn't improve or worsen the quality of the series. This was just J.K. Rowling trying to shock/impress her audience. The mainstream media and all the 'Hollywood types' need to wise up and start looking out for the kids, instead of only thinking about themselves."

Pretty good, huh? I put my name as "No-spin". Me taking Bill's stance and trying to defend what's right reminded me of a line in HP6. Harry says to Scrimgeour "I'm Dumbedore's man, through and through." Well I'm O'Reilly's girl, through and through.