I love ducks!

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Location: South Florida, United States

I'm sweet, smart, and sassy!

Friday, February 08, 2008

1st date with Derek

Oh boy...what a night! What a wonderful night! Derek is adorable! He's a little heavy but so cute!
The date: Cheesecake Factory, Feb. 8, 2008.
We met at the restaurant. I was there first. When he came in, I was like...wow! He's a lot cuter than his pictures. He gave me a hug...already better than what Glenn did. We had dinner (and cheesecake) and then we decided to go for a walk. Good thing I wore my flats. We walked to the mall and walked around for a while. Then we went to the bookstore and then we sat by one of the fountains. Then we went back outside towards Cheesecake Factory. In front of the bank there were some benches and a thing that looked like a ghost (actually a closed up umbrella attached to an overhanging pole). We sat and talked. I told him about Glenn and about how I haven't been kissed enough in my life. Then after a while...Derek kissed me! Like, kissed me! He has a beard so it was very prickly and I teased him about it, but it was still very nice. It didn't feel violating, like Glenn's sometimes did. It wasn't making out for the sake of making out. It was more that we were trying to make each other happy and letting each other know that we liked each other. He told me I was pretty, several times! He told me that he liked me, a lot. That he was glad we met and that it seemed more like a third or fourth date than a first. He kissed my ear, and then my hands, for a long time. it was very sweet and very sensual, and it was what I had always imagined happening to me. Maybe I'm finally living. When we first sat down, he was afraid and shy to put his arm around me. I told him not to be shy and it just kept getting better. Then finally we got up from the bench and started walking back. There was a little alcove and he pulled me into it and kissed me. we were standing there, our arms around each other, in a full lip-locked embrace. I am melting as I write this. i had one foot off the ground and everything. I first had it just a little up, like with just the heel up. But then I put the whole foot up just to see what it was like. Then I put that foot down and changed feet. Giggle! I think I know why women put one foot up when they kiss. It's because you feel lighter and therefore, more feminine. When I had both feet down while changing feet, I felt clunkier and less graceful. So there's the answer to that conundrum. So then we sat down in front of the restaurant waiting for my parents to pick me up. He was really paranoid about holding my hand or anything. Isn't that sweet? Jerk-off Glenn never understood that. I hope this works out...he's really sweet and a lot of fun to be around. Not namby-pamby like Richard, but not Mr. Uncommunicative like Glenn either. I'll keep you posted! PS: We're going out again on Wednesday!



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