I love ducks!

This is my online journal, a place for my thoughts and stuff.

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Location: South Florida, United States

I'm sweet, smart, and sassy!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

10th date with Jim!!!

Wow...our 10th date! That's more dates than I had all last TTyear!
We met at Treasure Coast Mall and had lunch at Ruby Tuesday. Then we went to Borders for a while...he always has his arm around me...it's so cute! Then we went to Vero and I finally met his brother. They don't really look alike. Anyway, we went into Jim's room and locked the door and made out for a long time. I was all naked except for my panties. We laid don in opposite directions and he was kissing my legs and the insides of my thighs...mmmmmm! Then he took a peek inside my panties...he didn't seem to mind that it was horrible. Then we got dressed and went to the beach. It was almost dark so we just stood on by a railing and watched the waves crash on the shore. Then we had dinner at Olive Garden. Then we went to the movie theater, but we were too late for the movie so we just walked around outside. He really likes feeling me up! LOL! Then we couldn't think of anything else to do so we went to WalMart. we walked around a while, but then my feet hurt so much so I just wanted to sit down. Then...he bought me roses!!! 1 dozen pinky-red roses! I was so happy! :D Then he walked me to the car and hugged me...it was a good date!



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